HOME : We will explore if misogyny is religiously sanctioned or men took it upon themselves to make it work for them, and in the process made a villain out of God and religion. One sentence that I have been repeating lately is "for every Muslim ass, there is a Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh or other ass" add hole if you need to.You cannot single out or blame any one religion or tradition, the representatives of religions make us decide about religion. We need to rise about stereotyping. We should not relish in putting down others. Finding the truth is our own responsiblity. Mike Ghouse

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Judeo-Christian Plan for Women

                         The Judeo-Christian Plan for Women
                             Rev. Marylou Ghyst,   June 7, 2010

URL - http://genderpluralismcenter.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-judeo-christian-plan-for-women.html

Divine order is first law of the universe.  When both male and female follow God's plan for their lives, there is Divine Order.  Ideally, our mission in life should not be left to chance or control by others - God knows what will satisfy us and where we can excel and thereby help others.  This Plan is revealed to all who ask - see the prayer for God's Plan at the end of this presentation.

Differences.  There are no intellectual or spiritual differences between male and female unless artificially created by men controlling women and refusing to educate them.  The term “Weaker Sex” refers to physical strength.  It has nothing to do with moral character, intellectual ability, or spirituality.

The Ideal Woman is described in the Bible as one who operates her own business, oversees employees, buys property, is productive in society, gives to the needy, educates, creates, raises a family, and does many things that indicate freedom and responsibility.  A woman clothes herself with strength and dignity and teaches wisdom.  Her children call her blessed and her husband praises her.  A woman who reveres the Lord is to be praised; give her the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her, Proverbs 31:10-31.  This scripture was written over 2500 years ago.

Female Leaders:  We find successful women throughout the Bible including very early history. Moses' sister, Miriam was a prophetess.  Deborah was an appointed leader of her people; it was also her responsibility to lead military battles in which she was successful.  Barak, a male acquaintance, refused to go into battle without her, Judges 4:5-9.  We have Esther who saved her people from annihilation, Esther 8 & 9.  Jesus never discriminated against educating women, Lu. 10:38-42.  We have women including Mary Magdalene, who remained with Jesus as he died while the male disciples fled in terror (Mark 15:40-41).  And the 3 women who were there when Jesus rose from the dead (Mark 16:1-8).  As the teachings of Jesus spread, Lydia, a Gentile self-employed shopkeeper, offered her home as the first indoor church for Christians, even though it was a dangerous thing to do as Christians refused emperor imposed  sacrifices, Acts 16. 

Jesus in India:  Some believe Jesus traveled to India.  In Jesus in India by Nicholas Notovitch published in 1854, the author recounts Jesus' teachings while in India: It is not good for a son to push away his mother that he may occupy the place that belongs to her. Whoso doth not respect his mother-the most sacred being after his God-is unworthy of the name of son. Hearken to what I say to you: Respect woman; for in her we see the mother of the universe, and all the truth of divine creation is to come through her.  She is the fount of everything good and beautiful, as she is also the germ of life and death…  Be submissive to your wife; her love ennobles man, softens his hardened heart, tames the wild beast in him and changes it to a lamb.  Wife and mother are the priceless treasures that God has given to you. They are the most beautiful ornaments of the universe, and from them will be born all who will inhabit the world. Even as the Lord of Hosts separated the light from darkness, and the dry land from the waters, so does woman possess the divine gift of calling forth out of man's evil nature all the good that is in him. Therefore I say unto you, after God, to woman must belong your best thoughts; for she is the divine temple where you will most easily obtain perfect happiness.

Successful Women:  Recommended reading - Some Are Born Great, by Adela Rogers St. Johns, a history of successful 19th & 20th century women who have made profound contributions to society including Mary Baker Eddy who is described as “the greatest American woman of all time.”  After she healed herself through faith, she organized and founded a major religion (Christian Science) from which the New Thought Christian movement sprang, including Unity, Religious Science, Divine Science, Science of Mind, etc.  A few years later, Unity came into existence through the faith healing of Myrtle Fillmore, co-founder, based on Mary Baker Eddy's teachings.  This took place in the middle and late 1800's.  We can see God's Plan for women in ministry emerging - ordination of women began in the late 1800's - females comprise half the New Thought Christian ministers then and now.

Parenthood & Outside Work: Charles & Myrtle Fillmore, co-founders of my sect, Unity, were parents of three boys.  Charles' mother gladly moved in with them to take care of their boys and domestic chores while both parents, Charles & Myrtle, devoted themselves to running Unity School.  When we are living God's Plan, a way is always provided for both outside work and domestic work.  And -- God's Plan does not always include parenthood. 

Time Frames: Many become aware of God's plan for their life before age 12.  They have a goal or passion for something they want to pursue.  Parents would do well to nurture these goals even though the Divine Plan may not come into full blossom until mid-life.  This blossoming of God's Plan is symbolized in the Bible by the number 40 which is a metaphor for “a time frame.”   There are generally 3 time frames in our life, the 3rd of which is the full blossoming of God's Plan that often begins in midlife.

God's Plan for our Life -- short version prayer:  God has a plan for my life. It is hidden within me, just as a beautiful rose is hidden within a bud.  As I ask for guidance, the Plan is revealed, and my mind and heart are filled with deep inner joy.   God's Plan is part of a larger Plan, designed for the good of all, and not for me alone.

I do not look with sadness or envy at what others are receiving, nor do I compare myself with them.  As my Divine Plan is gradually revealed, I grow in Spiritual consciousness and joy.  This inner knowing frees me from fear, jealousy, and resentment, and gives me the courage and faith to do those things that are mine to do.  If any door should close, it is because another door, which will bring greater joy, is being opened.

I praise God's Plan that brings joy to me and others.  I give thanks that childhood dreams, as yet unrealized, will materialize in ways that will satisfy me and also satisfy others, for He has promised to open His hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing, Ps. 145:16.   Amen.         ~~~~~~~  

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